News — Archives

Conference on Smart Metadata for Official Statistics (COSMOS) – 11-12 April 2024 – Paris. See program here ( and for more information visit the COSMOS website (
Call for applications Procope-Mobility 2024. Procope mobility grants is a scholarship offered by the Department of Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Germany. It supports 1 to 3-month mobility to France for doctoral candidates and postdocs working at a university or research institution based in Germany.
Applicants must be: doctoral candidates, postdocs or early career researchers (seven years after the defense of the dissertation); affiliated with a German university or research institution.
Applications must be sent to by March 10, 2024.
Further information on the application requirements can be found here:
A UKDS access point has been set up at CASD, at their safe room in their premises. Other access points at the Safe Room are also available. For further information on this access point, on the booking and on the other available access points, you can contact CASD at or visit CASD website. For further information on UKDS accreditation procedure, available data and other issues, you can contact UKDS at or visit the UKDS website.
Franco-German Call for Proposals in the Social Sciences and Humanities: The Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), in collaboration with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), is launching its 18th Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). This call aims to fund research projects involving at least one French and one German team. It is open to all research areas within the SSH. The CASD and the FDZ are happy to support projects using both German and French data. Interested researchers are welcome to contact the CASD ( and the FDZ ( . Further information can be found here: and here (German only):
For the first since 2019, the IDAN partners will attend an IDAN on-site meeting in the offices of the partner CBS on the 11 and 12 October 2023.
Access to UKDS SECURELAB Data from ISAB Safe Room and GESIS Safe ROOM
Access to UKDS SECURELAB data from IAB safe room and GESIS safe room for the first time, the UK data service makes selected UK controlled data available to researchers abroad. At the moment, selected SECURELAB/controlled datasets from the institute for social and economic research (ISER) and the center for longitudinal studies (CLS), are available via a safe room access point at the research data center (FDZ) of the federal employment agency (BA) at the institute for employment research (IAB) in Nuremberg, Germany and at the GESIS safe room. For more information, please see international data access network (IDAN) — UK data service and international data access network (IDAN) — FDZ
Funding Opportunity
A funding opportunity for Franco-German teams interested in using data from both countries available at IDAN, for more information click here.
Covid-19 data sources
Covid-19 data sources of IDAN partners, for more information click here.
A video presenting IDAN at the NTTS 2021.
Data comparability
The CASD and IAB have jointly published a report in which they assess the comparability of labor market data to which they provide access and they detail a comparison between two administrative data sources. (


The Safe room at CASD is Open, for reservation and further information please see this.


IDAN top ten

The IDAN top ten is a list of the ten most used datasets of each partner. In this list, you can find the titles of these data sources, a link to their webpages, their general topics and small abstracts that describe each data source in general. These ten tops are only a small part of IDAN partner’s rich catalogues that also offer potential for comparative research.


A project coordinated by Roxane Silberman (CASD)